Mistaken Identity Books

  • A Comedy of Errors
    A tale of mistaken identity and confusion between two sets of twin brothers and their servants, leading to a chaotic series of events in the village of Espheus.
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  • Once Upon A Time
    A complex tale of love, magic, and mistaken identities unfolds in a faraway land, leading to unexpected marriages and a joyful celebration.
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  • Cat and Tiger
    A cat and a tiger meet in the forest, mistaken identity leads to a funny ending.
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  • Code RED Mission Impossible
    Matt and Dan are on a mission to catch the escaped criminal, Crug. They encounter a mistaken identity, a new ally, and a cliffhanger ending.
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  • Short Stories
    A collection of short stories with various themes, including loneliness, mistaken identity, miracles, and family. The stories end abruptly, leaving readers wanting more.
  • The Twelfth Night 5 Panel Summary
    Viola and Sebastian, shipwrecked in Illyria, assume each other is dead. Viola disguises as Cesario and gets a job. Misunderstandings, fights, mistaken identities, and marriag…
  • Th
    A comedic play set in Illyria, Italy, where mistaken identities and love triangles ensue after Viola disguises herself as a man named Cesario.
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  • Pinky Bear's Adventuros Christmas
    It's Christmas Eve and The Bear family are getting ready to go chop down a Christmas tree in the forest. This is when the adventure begins.
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