Mistakes Books

  • The Silly Zookeeper
    The zookeeper sets out to feed the animals in this fun interactive read along. Remember everyone makes mistakes even a silly zookeeper!
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  • Milly's Mistakes
    This story is to help kids learn their lessons. Milly had a hard time trying to stop making mistakes. But like all of us, she couldn't control her actions... until Petra came…
  • Tiny's Big Journey
    After being rescued from a hole, Tiny, a Loggerhead Sea Turtle hatchling, struggles to find the perfect habitat-one with all of her basic needs.
    This book will help intro…
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  • Joe's Mistake
    Four dogs, including a mean one named Joe, learn a lesson about kindness and friendship with the help of a wolf.
  • Choose A Starter
    Red, a ten-year-old from Pallet Town, starts his Pokémon adventure with three starter Pokémon. He battles and catches Pokémon, but makes mistakes along the way.
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  • Naughty and Nice
    Can the separation of powers in Santa's workshop improve the quality of the Naughty and Nice List?
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  • The Mistake
    Princess Elsa, adopted by a triton, struggles with her relationship with him. With the help of her sisters and Sebastian, she learns to understand and appreciate her father.
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