Physical Education Books

  • ABC's of Physical Education
    An alphabetical guide to PE class, covering topics such as attitude, behavior, control, dancing, equipment, friendship, games, handicapped kids, improvement, jumping, kicking…
  • Sports Around the World
    An ABC book covering a wide range of sports, from A to Z!
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  • Physical Education
    Coach Gervais introduces himself as the new P.E. coach and shares his love for sports and the human body. He encourages students to find an activity they enjoy and be willing…
  • Physical Education 1
    The story is about an action song called 'Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes'. It describes the importance of performing action songs and provides steps to demonstrate it.
  • The 4 C's in Physical Education
    This book introduces the 4 C's in Physical Education: Critical Thinking, Communication, Collaboration, and Creativity. It provides examples of activities that promote each sk…
  • Strategies for Physical Education!
    This text discusses various teaching methods in physical education, highlighting their benefits and providing examples for each approach to enhance student learning and engag…
  • Physical Education Notebook
    This story provides definitions and examples of eight different teaching strategies for physical education classes.
  • Physical Education
    A student's project on different sports, including football, tennis, basketball, and soccer, covering rules, dimensions, scoring, and history.
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