Picnic Books

  • Apple's Perfect Picnic
    This imaginative book uses relatable foods to send the message of inclusion while creating awareness and appreciation for all food groups.
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  • Lisa's New Baby Sister
    Lisa is very excited to finally become a big sister! Her mommy and daddy welcome a new baby to their world. Lisa is happy because now she has the perfect family.
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  • Mickey & Minnie's Best Friend Day
    Mickey and Minnie plan a special day for Best Friend's Day, but Mickey faces challenges finding the perfect gift. In the end, they exchange homemade jewelry and have a wonder…
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  • Picnic with Friends!
    It is a beautiful day out and I have the perfect idea!
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  • Picnic at Aceland Zoo
    As a second-year university student in the Bachelor of Child Studies degree program, one of my assignments this semester is to write a children's book with a message about In…
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  • Sam's Day Out
    A young caterpillar named Sam goes to the beach. This book helps kids with fruit, numbers, and sharing is caring. Recommended for ages 1-6.
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  • The Perfect Day for a Picnic
    A short story about gathering food for a picnic and learning about healthy eating habits.
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  • The Very Hungry Giraffe
    A hungry giraffe seeks help from various animals but is unsuccessful until a sloth helps him and the animals throw him a picnic.
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