Polka Books

    The Cabbage Rolling Stones have been called "The World's Greatest Polka Band." The group's meteoric rise brought them fame and fortune. It also brought them a lot of problems…
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  • Charlotte's Pink Polka Dot Blanket
    Charlotte loves her pink polka dot blanket and takes it everywhere. On her first day of school, she forgets it but eventually finds it at home.
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  • Ms. Carvajal
    A student describes their teacher, Ms. Carvajal, and her interests and qualities.
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  • Max's Promise
    Max, a horse with a unique design, protects an egg for his friend Lucy. Despite challenges, Max successfully hatches the egg and becomes a father.
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  • Winchester's Tale of Rainy Love
    Winchester, a worm who loves rain, encounters challenges and finds a friend in another worm.
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  • Purplebeard & Polka
    Two pirates, Purplebeard and Polka, battle for treasure on a secret island. They become friends and sail together.
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  • Explore Germany
    Zoe and Nicholas, two German children, share facts about life in Germany, including Christmas traditions, art, music, education, and food.
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    Bruno is a Polish kid whose beautiful singing voice makes him a worldwide superstar. He becomes rich and famous but it doesn't bring him happiness. There's only one thing tha…
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