Role Models Books

  • What Makes You a Super Hero?
    This book helps remind kids that through every day actions of being kind, helpful and thoughtful, they have the "powers" to be a Super Hero.
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  • The Ideal Role Model
    The story discusses the qualities of an ideal role model and how they can inspire others to live a healthy, responsible, and positive life.
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  • Biography of Bethany Hamilton
    The inspiring story of Bethany Hamilton, a professional surfer who overcame the loss of her arm in a shark attack and became a role model for women and disabled athletes.
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  • Dream Big Bessie!
    This book tells the inspiring story of Bessie Coleman, the first licensed African American female aviator in the United States, and her journey to achieve her dream of becomi…
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  • New to School
    Journey, a role model at Willowbrook Elementary, shows new student Kelley around the school, introducing her to various places and people.
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  • Artists Aspirations
    A collection of quotes from young artists about their inspirations, techniques, and aspirations in various art forms.
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  • Duke's First School Day Adventures
    Duke is really scared about his first day of school. Will he meet new friends? Lets find out!
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  • My Role Model
    The story follows the life of Susan Powers, a well-known educator who overcame challenges and made significant contributions to the field of education.
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