Serum Run Books

  • The True Story Of Togo
    Togo was the lead sled dog of Leonhard Seppala and his dog sled team in the 1925 serum run to Nome across central and northern Alaska.
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  • ABC's of Harry Potter
    The ABC's of Harry Potter takes each letter of the alphabet and explores them with Harry Potter.
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    Your summer blockbuster has arrived! Dcotor Atomic returns to save Nova City from a new villain. But this villain is nothing like the ones he has battled before. The Doctor m…
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  • The Last Dog Race on Earth
    An introduction to the Iditarod, a famous dog sled race in Alaska, including facts about the race, the dogs and mushers involved, and some notable winners.
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  • Lord Of The Swords The Great War
    Robin Hood and friends face off against Squiddy to save the world. With twists, turns, and unexpected allies, they navigate a chaotic adventure filled with humor and danger.
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    After Tony's father's death, he and Pepper face numerous challenges, including a dangerous suit, kidnapping, and a mysterious enemy. With the help of allies, they overcome ob…
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  • The Maze Runner
    Thomas wakes up in a mysterious place called the Glade, surrounded by other boys. They are trapped in a maze and must find a way out to survive.
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  • The Greedy Scientist
    i have written a sci-fi story for you. Hope you enjoy it.
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