Silliness Books

  • Snicker's Great Pizza Adventure From the creative minds of McKenna, Denver, and Eli Kosobucki
    Fun fictional story for anyone who loves the silliness of cats.
  • I'M STUCK!
    Kim, Sam, Anali, and Sophie get kicked off Earth for being silly. They land on Planet Bolok and help the alien save their planet from a Black Hole.
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  • Billy the Silly Tiger
    Billy the Silly Tiger learns a valuable lesson about when it's appropriate to be silly, especially during soccer games.
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  • My Cat
    A child describes their cat, Tiwi, and shares some playful and endearing moments with her.
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  • A playful rhyme about various silly scenarios 'down by the bay' involving animals and objects.
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  • Silly Willy
    Willy, a silly boy, runs away to play hide and seek. His mom panics and searches for him. They reunite, and Willy learns his lesson.
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  • Corey the Clumsy Clown
    A clumsy person always has to be watched by someone clever. So if your clumsy, find the person in this book and remember who's watching!
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    Silly Kel, a lonely girl, wishes for a sister and finds Silly Meg. They grow up, search for love, and find Silly Alex. They live happily ever after.
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