My Public / Unpublished Books (5)

  • This book is for adventurers. You guys just keep on being awesome, because someday, you will find amazing things like Napoleon's sword, or Ben Franklin's kite.
    by Baniekwe1
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  • by Baniekwe1
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  • If you are selfish, you should read this book. It might teach you something.
    by Baniekwe1
    Eye Icon 20
  • A clumsy person always has to be watched by someone clever. So if your clumsy, find the person in this book and remember who's watching!
    by Baniekwe1
    Eye Icon 95
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  • There are four sisters and one is totally awesome. The prince loves that but the other sisters keep him away from her. but that doesn't necessarily work.
    by Baniekwe1
    Eye Icon 15

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