Sunlight Books

    A collection of short poems covering various topics such as being good, teachers, bullying, America, the moon, sunlight, friends, time, dreams, and peace in the world.
  • Life Cycle of a Plant
    An informative book about the life cycle of beans, from seed to flower, with clear explanations and a glossary of key terms.
    Eye Icon 33056
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  • The Lonely Acorn
    A lonely acorn learns about the three things all living things need to grow and becomes a tall tree, sharing his knowledge with future acorns.
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    Star Icon 261
  • Basic Needs of Plants and Animals
    This informative book lists the basic needs of plants and animals, including water, air, sunlight, nutrients, shelter, and food.
    Eye Icon 697
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  • What plants need to grow!
    This book explains the special characteristics and needs of plants for survival, including water, nutrients, air, sunlight, space, and time.
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  • In the garden of life, family is the sunlight that helps our dreams grow
    Monica, a seventh-grader, learns from her parents about responsibility and hard work. Facing a national math competition, she applies their lessons and achieves second place,…
    Eye Icon 45
  • The Seasons
    A brief description of the four seasons and how they change in temperature and sunlight.
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  • The Mathematics Competition - Part I
    A chance encounter prompts Matthew, a friend of Charles, to telephone and guide Charles to page twelve of the day's newspaper. The newspaper has issued a challenge in the for…
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    Star Icon 606
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