Swans Books

  • The Twelve Days of Christmas
    A classic Christmas song about receiving gifts from a true love, starting with a partridge in a pear tree and ending with twelve drummers drumming.
    Eye Icon 14042
    Star Icon 650
  • The Ugly Duckling
    A duckling, initially considered ugly, grows up to be a beautiful swan and finds his place in the world.
    Eye Icon 29453
    Star Icon 121
  • The Magical Summer Swan
    A magical summer swan has adventures with her friends in an enchanted forest, but the story lacks clear organization and development.
    Eye Icon 250
    Star Icon 34
  • The Ugly Duckling
    Sometimes we just need some time and the right environment to develop into our true selves.
    Eye Icon 13796
    Star Icon 214
  • Bella Swan
    The story revolves around Isabella 'Bella' Marie Cullen, the protagonist of the Twilight Saga. It details her life from birth to becoming a vampire, her relationships, and he…
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  • The Princess of the Swans
    Autumn, a girl with latent magic, breaks the eternal winter in her kingdom with the help of swans and an ancient artifact.
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  • The Ugly Black Swan
    Sam, a white swan, and her friends go on a journey to find an 'ugly' black swan. Along the way, they realize their prejudice and help heal the black swan's wing.
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  • swan lake
    A girl named Odette is turned into a swan by an evil sorcerer. With the help of a fairy, trolls, and elves, she fights to break the spell and find true love.
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