The story revolves around Isabella 'Bella' Marie Cullen, the protagonist of the Twilight Saga. It details her life from birth to becoming a vampire, her relationships, and her unique abilities.
The story revolves around Violet Baudelaire, the eldest of three siblings who are orphaned and face a series of unfortunate events. Violet is an intelligent inventor whose skills often save her and her siblings from perilous situations.
This is a detailed biography of Luna Lovegood, a character from the Harry Potter series. It covers her early life, school years at Hogwarts, involvement in Dumbledore's Army, imprisonment by Death Eaters, and post-war career as a Magizoologist.
If you liked this make sure to check out "When you open a book" by Snowqueenelsa881
What's your favorite book? Let me know in the comments
Edit: The book I reccomended is now by Rayaandsisu881