Theme Parks Books

  • Lost at Sesame Place
    Autumn and her friends get lost at Sesame Place, but with Autumn's quick thinking, they find their way back to their families.
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  • Let's Visit Legoland!
    A description of the Legoland theme park, including rides, activities, and Lego creations.
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  • 5 Themes of Geography
    Exploring the 5 Themes of Geography, connecting to 3rd Grade NC Standards, and connecting them to 3 different locations: Apex, NC; Wilmington, NC; Grand Canyon National Park.
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  • Bob's Job
    Bob is a civil engineer who builds buildings and highways. He enjoys his job and its benefits. The story also mentions his daily routine and an interesting fact about civil e…
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  • Walt Disney's Impact on America
    US History L3 Final Inquiry Project - Walt Disney's Impact on America
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  • Branson, Missouri
    A description of the attractions and activities in Branson, a popular tourist destination with theme parks, museums, a lake, shopping, and live entertainment.
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  • my week at disney world
    A child recounts their week-long vacation to Orlando, visiting various theme parks and attractions.
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  • The adventures of Dracool and Ellie. Dracool and Ellie go to California
    A story about 2 best friends who travel the world together
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