Unexpected Books

  • Oh no! Rotten Apples.
    A girl named Lillian discovers how being bullied can affect kids in unexpected ways.
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    Terry meets a new unexpected friend while visiting his grandmother's house for the summer.
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  • The Pumpkin Pounce
    With a roll and a bounce this wind blown pumpkin takes an unexpected journey.
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    Star Icon 494
  • An Unexpected Love Story
    Andrew, a boy with a broken heart, meets Melanie and begins a healing journey. They develop a deep connection and fall in love.
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  • Pudgie Polar Bear
    A lonely polar bear who finds friendship and love in a very unexpected way.
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  • Roses Red, Roses White
    This is a reimagined tale of Snow White, where the Wicked Witch is her mother who turns into a witch to protect her. The story revolves around a rose named Snow White, a dwar…
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  • An Unexpected Friend
    Billy the bird gets lost in the woods while playing hide-and-seek. He meets a rooster named Sonny who helps him find his way back home and teaches him the importance of liste…
  • The Unexpected Happy Ending
    What does a princess do when she loses her shot at a happy ending?
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