Vanity Books

  • The Emperor's new clothes
    A vain Emperor is tricked by two scoundrels who convince him that their invisible fabric is the most beautiful in the world.
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  • Vanity fair
    The story follows the lives of Becky, Rawdon, Amelia, and Dobbin after a scandal. They face various challenges and make life-changing decisions.
    A beautiful princess named Alcafala in Peru is transformed into a starfish for her vanity and pride.
  • Wanna Be Royalty
    A beautiful miniature horse believes that she is a queen worthy of all riches. Yet no chariot is willing to take her to them, so she sets out on the journey of her life!
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  • The Peacock and the Fox
    A vain peacock is tricked by a cunning fox and loses her colorful feathers, teaching her a lesson in humility.
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  • The king's new clothes
    A vain king is tricked by his clever tailor into believing he is wearing invisible clothes, leading to a humbling experience and a change in the king's character.
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  • The Vanity of the Moon
    The moon, curious about human perception of it, falls in love with a sailor's poetry. However, she is hurt when he mentions another woman. In her anger, she causes a storm th…
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  • The emperor's new cloths
    A vain emperor is tricked by two fake tailors who convince him that their invisible suit is magnificent, until a child exposes the truth.
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