Virtual Classes Books

  • Ashley's Virtual School
    Ashley is starting a new virtual school and doesn't know how it's going to go. She made many friends but along the way, she found out two girls were making fun of her. She do…
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  • The dog's zoom meeting.
    Three dogs navigate virtual classes and celebrate a birthday through Zoom meetings and games.
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  • My Experience during COVID 19
    A child reflects on their experience with Covid-19, including changes at home, virtual classes, and vacation activities.
  • My daily routine!
    A 13-year-old named Christiam shares his eco-friendly daily routine, including activities like virtual classes, homework, separating garbage, and connecting with friends.
  • The Virtual Hero
    Ellie's first day of online school is marred by embarrassment, but a classmate's kind words help her embrace her unique home and spread kindness.
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  • My personal adaptation to virtual classes
    Bryan Espín, a biochemistry student, shares his experiences and interests, including his love for music, football, English, and an embarrassing moment in class.
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  • A student named Belen Tenelema talks about her life, hobbies, virtual classes, and her teacher Marjory Lechon.
  • Best friendship
    Two best friends, Lena and Alex, are sad when they can't play due to a virus. Alex comes up with an idea to have virtual classes and they eventually meet again after the lock…
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