Vote Books

    Political spectrum from a kid's perspective. 8th grade history project. Covers the 9 main forms of government
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  • Naughty and Nice
    Can the separation of powers in Santa's workshop improve the quality of the Naughty and Nice List?
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    Stevie, a shy boy with strong opinions, wants to improve his school by getting vending machines. He overcomes his fears and votes for his friend Bobby in the student council …
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  • Nikki Votes a step by step story that explains how to vote
    Follow Nikki as she prepares for and participates in her first presidential election, learning about the candidates, voting, and the electoral process along the way.
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  • Best Superheroes
    A collection of short descriptions and opinions about various superheroes.
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  • A Single Vote
    A historical account of a conflict and its resolution, exploring its impact on history and today.
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  • !!!VOTE!!!
    Have you ever wondered how to vote? Well then! You're in luck! This book explains all the basic and non basic rules! So sit back in your chair and relax!
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  • Lauren Lindberg presents:
    The story of Victoria Woodhull, the first woman to run for president, and her impact on women's rights and future feminist milestones.
    Eye Icon 51
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