Wardrobe Books

  • Jessica loves seasons!
    Jessica, a teacher who loves each season, faces a wardrobe dilemma when she arrives at work in winter clothes on a sunny day. Her sister saves the day by bringing her a new o…
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  • Diana loves seasons!
    Diana, a teacher who loves each season, faces a wardrobe dilemma when she arrives at work in winter clothes on a sunny day. Her sister comes to the rescue with a new outfit.
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  • ABC's of The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe
    A brief overview of the characters, events, and themes in the story of Narnia, with some spelling and grammar errors.
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  • Marnie The Piggy Bank
    In a nursery, a pottery piggy bank stands on a high wardrobe. It's stuffed with money and feels superior to other toys. They play a game, but the piggy bank falls and breaks,…
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  • The Monster in the Wardrobe Paul Shipton
    A boy overcomes his fear of the dark when he befriends a monster living in his wardrobe and learns to embrace the unknown.
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  • The Purple Disaster
    Rodney and Brody, twin brothers, face a wardrobe dilemma when their clothes get mixed up. They find creative solutions to wear their favorite colors and go to school happily.
  • The Night Blight
    A rhyming guide to surviving the night blights, creatures that come out at night and terrorize children. Each day of the week offers a new tip for staying safe.
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  • ,,My wardrobe''
    Tommy, a boy afraid of the dark, finds solace in his wardrobe and a book about a girl's adventures there.
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