My Published Books (1)

  • A rhyming guide to surviving the night blights, creatures that come out at night and terrorize children. Each day of the week offers a new tip for staying safe.
    by gmarley
    Eye Icon 3579
    Star Icon 109

My Public / Unpublished Books (3)

  • this is a true explanation as to why Obama is illuminati confirmed
    by gmarley
    Eye Icon 111
    Star Icon 8
  • the worlds most accurate description of why luke bryan is hot
    by gmarley
    Eye Icon 83
    Star Icon 8
  • Cory explains the meaning of ugly, while being watched by an unknown character. (Cory remains unaware of this stalker). In the end a fatal twist happens.
    by gmarley
    Eye Icon 103
    Star Icon 11

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