Thank you for trusting StoryJumper as your partner in the classroom!
Rest assured, we have earned your trust as a leader in student data privacy. We are FERPA and COPPA compliant. Our practices align with the terms recommended by the Student Data Privacy Consortium. We also meet the best practice standards published by the U.S. Department of Education through their Privacy Technical Assistance Center for model terms of services when using online educational services (Protecting Student Privacy While Using Online Educational Services: Model Terms of Service)

As an Educator using our platform for educational purposes, we are required by COPPA to provide you with a COPPA notice so that your decision to use us provides COPPA consent. When you use an Educational Account, we ensure that your use and your student’s use is for educational purposes only.
This page provides the required COPPA Notice and describes our practices of collecting, using and disclosing personal information from children under the age of 13. These practices are also outlined in our Children’s Privacy Policy.
Educator Consent Required.
If you have students under the age of 13, COPPA applies. COPPA allows educators to provide consent when the use of a third-party service is for educational purposes only, such as with StoryJumper’s Educational Accounts.
You provide your consent when you create an Educational Account and invite/create student accounts as sub-accounts to it. As explained in our Educational Account Agreement, you are the owner of both the Educational Account and sub-accounts of your students.
This means that:
- You decide whether to share your student’s content with third parties.
- You are responsible for the active monitoring of your student’s content. You agree that you will only allow your students, who are under the age of 13, to include any personally identifiable information in their content with your consent.
Information We Collect.
- Your student may choose to provide personally identifiable information about themselves in the content they post on our website, however, as outlined above, StoryJumper requires that you first consent to our use of personally identifiable information.
- We do not condition a child’s participation in an activity on the disclosure of more personally identifiable information than is reasonably necessary to participate in the activity.
How We Use The Information.
We may use the personally identifiable information that we collect from a child to:
- Send a student any products purchased by you or a recipient of a link to their work sent by you.
- Provide information that we believe would be of interest or benefit to your student.
Disclosure of The Information to Third Parties.
We may share personally identifiable information, including, a child’s personally identifiable information, with third parties as permitted by law and as described in our Children’s Privacy Policy and Educational Account Privacy Policy which is hereby incorporated by reference.
The third parties to whom we disclose personally identifiable information must agree to protect the security and confidentiality of your child’s personally identifiable information.
Thank you for your trust in StoryJumper. If you have any questions, please contact us at [email protected].