My Public / Unpublished Books (5)

  • Simon was on a mission so he evolved first to level 2 then fighted horror Durple and he also won and evolved to level 3 the he wanted to bite brud so he did but it did not go well and brud was really mad but he did not care so he evolved to level 4 the new level and rule the whole world.
    by Wyatt Liu
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  • This book has a all the Sonic exes in the world but its a short book too my simplest book ever.
    by Wyatt Liu
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  • lil sis bro and me had an normal day when suddenly mom told us that where going to Las Vegas so we went on the trip saw catzilla and spend dads money and dad was a little mad then to their room sleeped untill the next day they went to the pool and all wet in the pool then went to the casino and won 1,000,000 they were really happy and got it they played hide and seek and bro feel off and got hurt so me and lil sis helped bro get better and we went to our hotel room to sleep in there and the next day he'd felt better and it their last day so they went to another hotel and played golf after 3:00 they went to eat at sushi after they went back and sleep again the final day they showed one by one bro was last because he sowers too long after they'd showed they ate breakfast then packed their stuff and went back home.
    by Wyatt Liu
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  • This is about me bro lil sis dad and mom are going to Italy so they took the plane and they got to a nice hotel then on the first day they went and called an Uber and when to a restraint the ate all the pizza they wanted then whent to the park but mom was not happy when me bro and lil sis jumped in the water then we went back home and sleep then on the final day me bro lil sis whent to whack tv after 8 hours they'd stopped because its dinner time so they'd ate a while then went to the airport and rested there and when they got home they happily sleep for a while.
    by Wyatt Liu
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  • In Sonic World, a strange Sonic appears, and Tails offers him food. As chaos unfolds with Shin Sonic, the friends unite to gather Chaos Emeralds and become super to save their world.
    by Wyatt Liu
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