My Public / Unpublished Books (5)

  • A goat named Oscar, known for his aggression, is taken to a special vet who finds a solution to his behavior and allows him to stay with his owner.
    by Mary Schuett
    Eye Icon 7
  • Benjamin, the last Tasmanian tiger, wishes for a world where animals aren't extinct. A girl invents a machine to track endangered species.
    by Mary Schuett
    Eye Icon 33
  • The Lorax returns to Truffulatown after 100 years and finds that someone has planted a truffula seed, reviving the trees and restoring nature.
    by Mary Schuett
    Eye Icon 20
  • Jared tells a little about meat safety in this cute children's style book.
    by Mary Schuett
    Eye Icon 3
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