My Public / Unpublished Books (4)

  • Chloe discovers a magic mirror that tells her about a lost princess. She teams up with Princess Amelia to rescue the frozen King and Queen from the evil Queen Ava, ultimately revealing her true identity as the lost princess.
    by Thamirah Sugandan
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  • During a relaxing camping trip in the Enchanted Forest, the fairies realized they'd have to save The Rainbow Tree.
    But, as they continued their journey, they realized they had to deal with something else along the way. But luckily, they had some help with their dragon friend. What are the fairies planning to do next?
    by Thamirah Sugandan
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  • The fairies were having a relaxing and fun sleepover, but everything changed as soon as they received a letter from Princess Rose. Now they're headed to make sure everything is safe in Sparkleview Forest. However, they discover something very unexpected along the way. What are the fairies planning to do next?
    by Thamirah Sugandan
    Eye Icon 59
  • Camila, a Weather Fairy, falls ill and asks her trainee, Evie, to control the weather. Evie embarks on a journey to learn how to control the weather and eventually succeeds. In another story, Pixie, an Animal Fairy, discovers that her new friend Lyla is actually an evil fairy with a plan to ruin their picnic. Pixie gets trapped by Lyla but is saved by her magical pet unicorn and other animals. Together, they defeat Lyla and enjoy their picnic.
    by Thamirah Sugandan
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