My Public / Unpublished Books (6)

  • by AlliedHealth
    Eye Icon 31
  • A fun and adventurous poem about becoming a pirate, sailing the seas, and finding treasure.
    by AlliedHealth
    Eye Icon 53
  • A child visits the doctor when feeling unwell, receives a diagnosis and treatment, and feels better.
    by AlliedHealth
    Eye Icon 81
  • A child helps their mom with grocery shopping, making a list, finding items, and checking out. They enjoy the experience and get a treat.
    by AlliedHealth
    Eye Icon 73
    Star Icon 1
  • A young child helps their mom take care of their baby sister, including feeding, bathing, and putting her to bed.
    by AlliedHealth
    Eye Icon 76
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  • A young child named Jonathon bakes a chocolate cake with his mom for his 5th birthday, with help from their dog Rufus.
    by AlliedHealth
    Eye Icon 149
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