My Public / Unpublished Books (5)

  • Spycat is on a mission to find Ratty, a villain who wants to destroy computers and take over the world. Spycat travels to different cities, finds clues, and eventually confronts Ratty.
    by Anjali
    Eye Icon 20
  • by Anjali
    Eye Icon 357
    Star Icon 2
  • A seed faces challenges and grows into a tree with the help of rain, sunlight, and roots.
    by Anjali
    Eye Icon 136
  • Ali discovers a magic carpet and goes on an adventurous journey to various locations, experiencing different climates.
    by Anjali
    Eye Icon 36
  • Teddy gets lost and goes on an adventure, ending up at Kumiko's school.
    by Anjali
    Eye Icon 110
    Star Icon 1

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