My Public / Unpublished Books (13)

  • The author compares the graciousness of people in the 21st century to those in 1816, arguing that modern individuals are less welcoming and grateful, influenced by technology and changing literature.
    by Anna Bojczuk
  • Young Hunter has always wanted to be something special, a SilentEye, and when he's given the chance, he takes it.
    by Anna Bojczuk
  • Natalie is a young woman who is going into the military to get away from her life.
    by Anna Bojczuk
  • The author disagrees with the quote about regret, arguing that emotions like love and hate are stronger and that focusing on the future is more important than the past.
    by Anna Bojczuk
  • I want to help everyone with their dreams.
    by Anna Bojczuk
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  • This book is about all the things we think are small but my develop into bigger things.
    by Anna Bojczuk
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  • This story is about a good deed Abraham Lincoln did when he was just a small boy of about 7
    by Anna Bojczuk
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  • Lila, a young woman living on a farm in rural America in 1916, dreams of traveling to exotic places. She gets a job offer in New York City and decides to pursue her dream. Along the way, she meets two men, Noah and Oliver, and must decide between them.
    by Anna Bojczuk
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  • This is the story of an assassin who wants to escape from his old life
    by Anna Bojczuk
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  • A prince is about to become king and needs to find a wife. He sets up tests for the princesses, but only one passes. They get married and live happily ever after.
    by Anna Bojczuk
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  • Lily and Gaven navigate loss, love, and resilience in a world ravaged by a deadly virus.
    by Anna Bojczuk
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  • The story emphasizes the importance of true friendship and offers advice on how to be a good friend.
    by Anna Bojczuk
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  • An adventurous, ambitious, and resourceful man named Noah Gray in return for being cut off from other people has all his wildest dreams come true. He hardly had any money before, what will he do with it?
    by Anna Bojczuk
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