My Public / Unpublished Books (10)

  • Esra Küçükyazıcı
    by Anzılha Altun
    Eye Icon 421
    Star Icon 6
  • Two students express their love for the Earth and the importance of taking care of it.
    by Anzılha Altun
    Eye Icon 163
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  • by Anzılha Altun
    Eye Icon 81
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  • Moon the Koala helps a little girl named Glorian find her lost parents with the help of other animals in the forest.
    by Anzılha Altun
    Eye Icon 429
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  • Snowgirl finds an injured koala and takes care of it. She helps the koala get better and reunite with its family.
    by Anzılha Altun
    Eye Icon 376
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  • Moon Koala visits the zoo and witnesses irresponsible behavior by visitors. He decides to take action and advocate for the animals' well-being.
    by Anzılha Altun
    Eye Icon 279
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  • by Anzılha Altun
    Eye Icon 86
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  • A collection of short sentences introducing various objects, animals, and letters of the alphabet.
    by Anzılha Altun
    Eye Icon 684
    Star Icon 1
  • A collection of different games and their instructions, including detective game, smart cup, Katamino game, Q Bitz game, Apartments game, Hanoi Towers, Connect 4, Solo Test, Watermelon Chess game, Geobord, Skippity game, Look Look game, 3 in 3 game, Reversi, and Tris game.
    by Anzılha Altun
    Eye Icon 237
    Star Icon 3
  • by Anzılha Altun
    Eye Icon 44
    Star Icon 4
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