My Public / Unpublished Books (7)

  • Charlie Bucket, a poor boy, wins a tour of Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory and becomes the heir to the factory.
    by BalgreenPrimaryS
    Eye Icon 676
    Star Icon 11
  • Meet my teacher, Ms younger and today she is on a adventure! A dragon came, did it want to kill her? Find out in this book, not letting you remix because if you go to the home page (just girls) click make new book, click the one with pictures, type in your name and click create, you see the popcorn dragon on the front page, on some pages you have to make the text box bigger.
    by BalgreenPrimaryS
    Eye Icon 25
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  • Meet Adam, He is a baby and he saved Scotland, but how does he do it?
    by BalgreenPrimaryS
    Eye Icon 33
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  • Meet love the boy, he likes you and he is the best person ever!
    by BalgreenPrimaryS
    Eye Icon 147
    Star Icon 4
  • Meet the world of Balgreen primary school with this book! It shows you this sessions classes! And what buses you can take to get there. The school is in Edinburgh! Remix the book and make it into your school!
    by BalgreenPrimaryS
    Eye Icon 30
    Star Icon 1
  • A simple guide on how to make chocolate, from picking cocoa pods to drying the chocolate.
    by BalgreenPrimaryS
    Eye Icon 65
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  • Sun Arise!
    Last verse

    Sun arise – see a new day dawn
    Spread your light on a sleeping world
    Arise! Let the morning come
    Sun arise – let the day begin
    Fill the skies, put the colours in
    Arise! Let the morning come
    Arise! Let the morning come
    Arise! Let the morning come
    Arise! Let the morning come
    by BalgreenPrimaryS
    Eye Icon 123
    Star Icon 2

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