My Public / Unpublished Books (6)

  • When Cocoa's practice takes a turn for the worse and lands her in the animal hospital, Skye, Josh, and April do their best to keep their spirits high. Will Cocoa ever recover from her accident?
    by BananaAnna1
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  • Stormy is dressage material, Skye is sure. Stormy only has one problem, suddenly she doesn't listen to Skye anymore. Will Skye be able to close the mental gap between her and her mare, or is Stormy forever a failure? When an attempt to help Stormy leads only to catastrophe, it's up to Josh, Skye, and April to save the beautiful mare. Mariposa Ranch!
    by BananaAnna1
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  • Sundrop, the gentle Shetland residing at Mariposa Ranch has disappeared, and Skye suspects she has been stolen. Will Skye be proven wrong, or is Sundrop gone for good?
    by BananaAnna1
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  • The Mariposa Ranch Series is a new horse series I am working on with my sister. This is how it all began...
    by BananaAnna1
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  • Two merpeople create a village for humans, tragedy strikes, and children save the day by rescuing trapped mermaids.
    by BananaAnna1
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  • An underwater village thrives beneath the sea. However, the citizens are put into peril, if they do not act fast, the city will flood and all will drown.
    by BananaAnna1
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