My Published Books (1)

  • Mia starts her first day of school and makes a new friend, Sophia. However, Sophia starts hanging out with another girl, Layla, leaving Mia feeling sad. Mia seeks advice from her mom and decides to become friends with Layla too. They all become friends an
    by Cecilia Zipadelli
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My Public / Unpublished Books (3)

  • A child recounts a series of unfortunate events, but ends on a positive note after winning the lottery.
    by Cecilia Zipadelli
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  • My name in Roblox is sweetacorn1011 and my display name is crazyzebra . just so you know I might change my avatar sometime!
    by Cecilia Zipadelli
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  • Sophie, Layla, and the narrator play together at recess. They stand up to a bully and make new friends.
    by Cecilia Zipadelli
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