My Public / Unpublished Books (3)

  • This book focuses on Childhood Emotional Neglect from the child's point of view. The child in the story is troubled by her mother, is hiding her feelings but wants to tell someone. For ages 8 - 12
    by Deb McCarthy
    Eye Icon 535
    Star Icon 24
  • Jenny's elderly neighbour, Mrs Andrews, injured herself, and Jenny offered to help with some household chores. This book teaches a child how showing compassion and helping someone in need is rewarding for both the child and the other person.
    by Deb McCarthy
    Eye Icon 822
    Star Icon 7
  • This is for any parent or family caregiver who has a child going to the Optometrist for the first time.
    by Deb McCarthy
    Eye Icon 125
    Star Icon 3

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