My Public / Unpublished Books (4)

  • A popular school crew called the H Crew faces consequences when their leader, Harvey, develops a severe flatulence problem.
    by CrisCruz
    Eye Icon 154
    Star Icon 12
  • A group's summer vacation takes an unexpected turn when they end up in the desert, but they find adventure and enjoyment in unexpected places.
    by CrisCruz
    Eye Icon 13
    Star Icon 1
  • Lauren and Andrew plan their dream wedding, but Lauren's health issues keep getting in the way. Will they ever get to say 'I do'?
    by CrisCruz
    Eye Icon 139
    Star Icon 6
  • A boy named Parker, diagnosed with kidney infections, prays to his family's God and miraculously recovers.
    by CrisCruz
    Eye Icon 526
    Star Icon 5
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