My Public / Unpublished Books (3)

  • This book started out as an assignment for my Botany class. As I worked on it, I became more confident to do my best for students in middle to high school, and anyone else to read and understand what's trying to be taught. This is now my 3rd book and I hope all like it.
    by DoodleInMind
  • This book started out as an assignment for my Botany class. As I worked on it, I became more confident to do my best for students in middle to high school, and anyone else to read and understand what's trying to be taught. This is now my 2nd book and I hope all like it.
    by DoodleInMind
    Eye Icon 1
  • This book started out as an assignment for my Botany class. As I worked on it, I became more confident to do my best for students in middle to high school, and anyone else to read and understand what's trying to be taught.
    by DoodleInMind
    Eye Icon 11

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