My Published Books (2)

  • Hope's Magic Sparkles is our second book in our Hope the Optimist Bear collection. Our first book was published last spring called Hope the Optimist Bear. This is our second book and bear we will be delivering to local hospitals for pediatric patients. The main character in this years book "Christopher" was based on a little boy who actually received last years Hope the Optimist Bear book and Hope Bear. Please know it was made with love and our students are always so proud to see that their hard work will touch the lives of so many sick children.
    by Dallas Rennie
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  • Hope the Optimist Bear was created by the Junior Optimist Organization. It is a bear we deliver to local hospitals with a story book written about her. We do a school wide competition for a story about Hope. This story is to help the children in the hospital feel better and leaves them with a snuggly friend for the rest of their stay and beyond.
    by Dallas Rennie
    Eye Icon 70469
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