My Public / Unpublished Books (5)

  • A bird witnesses an earthquake that destroys its forest home. It plants seeds and stays in the tree, eventually rebuilding the forest.
    by ECP3299
    Eye Icon 118
    Star Icon 5
  • Tommy spends a hot day in Miami, goes to the beach, finds a triangle-shaped speck of dirt, hears a scientist's exciting discovery, and has a good night's sleep.
    by ECP3299
    Eye Icon 491
    Star Icon 1
  • A scientist in space discovers a cure for a deadly sickness on the moon, with the help of rare stars.
    by ECP3299
    Eye Icon 12
  • Despite dangerous weather conditions, a skilled pilot successfully lands a plane on a beach, saving the passengers and allowing them to enjoy their vacation.
    by ECP3299
    Eye Icon 387
    Star Icon 17
  • Scientist Bill goes to the moon, finds a lighthouse, measures its light, and plans to share his discovery.
    by ECP3299
    Eye Icon 26
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