My Public / Unpublished Books (7)

  • Finn and Lucy are still having a good time but, the sandkeeper wants his revenge.
    by Finntastic99
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  • I can't believe how many likes and views on this book i gotta make fnaf2 soon!This is Me playing the game(If you had heard of it) but will I survive the jumpscares and power?
    by Finntastic99
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  • Full Book Coming Soon
    by Finntastic99
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  • Pumpkin and Holly are going on an adventure. Pumpkin wants to go to one place and Holly wants to go to another place. They have to catch a rabbit and the one of them who wins gets to take the other one to their choice of place.
    by Finntastic99
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  • A polar bear called Polar feels very weak and he is a little bit scared for an injection. Will he cope with it?
    by Finntastic99
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  • Finn and Lucy head to Robloxia for more than 2 weeks and they live in a Beach House but the whole entire house is made of magical sand.
    by Finntastic99
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  • Just the pictures. Type in in the Search box: Finn And Molly Go To Australia. Then, it will come up with it and probably other books as well.
    by Finntastic99
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