My Public / Unpublished Books (7)

  • A young girl introduces different types of airplanes and shares interesting facts about them.
    by Hanah2015
    Eye Icon 42
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  • Big boss and his gang are no more pirates,
    by Hanah2015
    Eye Icon 18
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  • Oh! a Pirate came as a thought!
    Started writing the Story on Adventure.Hope you like it!
    by Hanah2015
    Eye Icon 21
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  • Big Boss and his gang get stranded on a mysterious island during a storm. They find an empty house, follow footsteps, and discover a treasure in a beautiful garden.
    by Hanah2015
    Eye Icon 17
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  • This story is about a horrible giant, and how he couldn'nt control his anger.We must not get angry,for petty things, must not hurt people or be rude to them.
    I like kind people a lot.
    by Hanah2015
    Eye Icon 31
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  • This is book is about a foolish fox, and how he deceived his friend.Remember you cannot always pretend to be a friend whom you are not!
    by Hanah2015
    Eye Icon 249
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  • A kind giant helps a village, but some bad people steal from him. The poor people seek shelter in the giant's house during a storm. They work for the giant and live happily ever after.
    by Hanah2015
    Eye Icon 198
    Star Icon 17

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