My Public / Unpublished Books (7)

  • Kevin shares his travel experiences to Italy, France, America, and Australia, visiting famous landmarks and observing interesting sights.
    by Hari Rameswara
    Eye Icon 5
  • A student dreams of various professions and is encouraged by their teacher to start by being a good student.
    by Hari Rameswara
    Eye Icon 30
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  • A simple and informative book about Earth, its features, and our responsibility to make it beautiful.
    by Hari Rameswara
    Eye Icon 15
  • by Hari Rameswara
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  • Three elements, Fire, Wind, and Water, introduce themselves and explain their friendly and angry characteristics.
    by Hari Rameswara
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  • Andrea explains different ways to communicate with friends who are far away, including writing letters, calling, chatting online, and using smartphones.
    by Hari Rameswara
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  • An introduction to Indonesia, its culture, history, and national symbols.
    by Hari Rameswara
    Eye Icon 41
    Star Icon 1
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