My Public / Unpublished Books (6)

  • On Halloween night, Rick and Jane dare each other to enter an old abandoned house. Rick encounters a doll, his biggest fear, and disappears. Jane finds a mirror with a skull. The end is unclear.
    by KashaTrisha
    Eye Icon 49
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  • This is a really cool book of home designs!
    by KashaTrisha
    Eye Icon 28
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  • This is a Ninjago book that teaches you all the facts!!
    by KashaTrisha
    Eye Icon 1269
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  • This is for people who like lego & Ninjago. Hope you love it. (BTW, Kasha is my brother)
    by KashaTrisha
    Eye Icon 122
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  • A child narrates their experience of war, escaping on a dirt bike, and eventually finding safety and happiness.
    by KashaTrisha
    Eye Icon 46
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  • Here's an example of a bad day. If you experienced something like this, do post a comment!
    by KashaTrisha
    Eye Icon 43
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