My Public / Unpublished Books (6)

  • Will Connolly, a boy with red hair and blue eyes, eats a pear from the lightning tree and gains superpowers. He struggles to control them and accidentally kills his grandmother. He eventually defeats the lightning tree and honors his grandmother's memory.
    by LeRy
    Eye Icon 52
  • by LeRy
    Eye Icon 41
  • by LeRy
    Eye Icon 58
  • David, a new student at a language school, falls in love with Mady. After some ups and downs, they get married and have children.
    by LeRy
    Eye Icon 30
  • Chloe and Stuart go on a forest adventure but forget their snacks. They find a restaurant called At Three Pines.
    by LeRy
    Eye Icon 17
    Star Icon 2
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