My Public / Unpublished Books (5)

  • Martin Luther King's famous 'I Have a Dream' speech, advocating for racial equality and justice in America.
    by Leonardo Maldonado
    Eye Icon 9
  • A description of a summer trip to Nice, France, including visits to restaurants, museums, and beaches.
    by Leonardo Maldonado
    Eye Icon 40
  • A greedy man who refused to help others in need meets a tragic end, and his spirit haunts bridges and cemeteries as a reminder of the dangers of greed.
    by Leonardo Maldonado
    Eye Icon 16
  • by Leonardo Maldonado
    Eye Icon 11
  • The story is about the Happy Prince, a statue covered in gold, and a compassionate swallow who helps those in need. The prince sacrifices his beauty and wealth to help the poor, and both characters find eternal happiness.
    by Leonardo Maldonado
    Eye Icon 96
    Star Icon 3
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