My Published Books (2)

  • Cinnamon starts out happy in the book.But then she realizes there is a new class pet in the room. Cinnamon can't wait to be friends with Blue but he doesn't seem like he wants to.Cinnamon's keep coming up with new plans to be friends with blue. Cinnamon knows that friendship could be a tricky thing to fix,but if any hamster can do it Cinnamon can!
    by Josie S
    Eye Icon 41
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  • A hamster named Chocolate was moving to another city. Chocolate wants to meet friends and he does. Remember the golden rule. Treat others as you want to be treated.
    by Josie S
    Eye Icon 236
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My Public / Unpublished Books (8)

  • This is a book about my life. And it is awesome.
    by Josie S
    Eye Icon 68
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  • Yeah. This book is like about the worst day ever
    by Josie S
    Eye Icon 69
    Star Icon 3
  • Wants A pet, Everyone has one, It's no fun! Lindsey knows cats are sweet, sensible, and caring creatures, and that just might be the right pet for her!
    by Josie S
    Eye Icon 42
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  • Chocolate is set on an adventure of friends!He met another friend. Will his friends stay his friends or not?
    by Josie S
    Eye Icon 43
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  • Amigo is set on an adventure! His friends are disincluding him.Is it just a surprise or do they mean to do it?
    by Josie S
    Eye Icon 31
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  • Vanilla and her friends are SUPER excited to go to Mexico for a week. But when Vanillas mom says no they all are heartbroken. Will they change the plan or not?
    by Josie S
    Eye Icon 35
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  • Its way to chilly in Ohio to do anything. So the hamsters go to Florida. They have some problems but that doesn't stop them. The hamsters have a great time in Florida.
    by Josie S
    Eye Icon 14
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  • Once there was a happy hamster named "Luke hamster. One day he discovers that "Dog" Vader wants to defeat him. Does he prove to Dog Vader That hes as strong as him or hes not?
    by Josie S
    Eye Icon 105
    Star Icon 8

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