My Public / Unpublished Books (5)

  • Sweetie the cat and Puppy the dog, who initially didn't get along, learn to share and become best friends after a picnic planned by their owners.
    by MaheenNazar
    Eye Icon 26
  • A story about a bullying giraffe and a kind tortoise who outsmarts him, bringing relief to the savannah.
    by MaheenNazar
    Eye Icon 631
    Star Icon 4
  • Rena is excited for Thanksgiving and hopes her friends will come. She enjoys a delicious breakfast and is thrilled when her friends and family arrive. They have a wonderful Thanksgiving.
    by MaheenNazar
    Eye Icon 21
  • A brown bird named Brownie goes on an adventure to find a key in the jungle, overcoming a mean tiger. She returns home to her owner Marie with the key.
    by MaheenNazar
    Eye Icon 13
    Star Icon 1
  • It is about caring and like sharing homes so that now everyone is allowed. Hope you like it!
    by MaheenNazar
    Eye Icon 15
    Star Icon 1

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