My Public / Unpublished Books (5)

  • An old man tries to solve a problem with hurdles but encounters a mysterious little man who causes chaos and destroys the old man's cloud.
    by PabloLlaguno
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  • Captain X and his crew search for a missing piece of a treasure map, find it, and discover a chest full of hard candies.
    by PabloLlaguno
    Eye Icon 16
  • An elephant in the jungle dreams of having a blanket to sleep with. A hunter gives him a holster and a blanket, fulfilling his dream.
    by PabloLlaguno
    Eye Icon 62
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  • by PabloLlaguno
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  • Two explorers climb a mountain in Mexico and encounter a terrifying monster, vowing never to return.
    by PabloLlaguno
    Eye Icon 8
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