My Published Books (4)

  • Tommy, a kind-hearted boy, transforms his selfish village with magical flowers of kindness.
    by Reese Van Elderen
    Eye Icon 49
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  • On Christmas Eve, Santa gets stuck in the Bowler family's chimney. With the help of the family, he is freed and leaves presents. The family wakes up unaware of their magical encounter.
    by Reese Van Elderen
    Eye Icon 44
    Star Icon 2
  • Bob, a tiny boy, dreams of owning a golden race car. He embarks on a quest through an enchanted forest but wakes up to realize it was all a dream.
    by Reese Van Elderen
    Eye Icon 28
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  • In the cozy town of Lexville, Lily and her mischievous cat Whiskers explore nature, make friends with animals, and have magical adventures in the woods.
    by Reese Van Elderen
    Eye Icon 64
    Star Icon 6

My Public / Unpublished Books (3)

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