My Public / Unpublished Books (5)

  • A shepherd boy repeatedly tricks the villagers into thinking a wolf is attacking the sheep. When a real wolf comes, no one believes him, leading to consequences.
    by SSundee
    Eye Icon 1116
    Star Icon 88
  • A guide to playing Minecraft, including creating a world, moving, building and mining, joining servers, and using chat and commands.
    by SSundee
    Eye Icon 7652
    Star Icon 335
  • Hey everyone I'm back and ready to write If you would please check out my other books that would be highly appreciated... Peace out
    by SSundee
    Eye Icon 310
    Star Icon 37
  • Steve describes his newly built house, including its layout and features.
    by SSundee
    Eye Icon 11291
    Star Icon 522
  • The story follows a pirate with no arm named Theode who seeks friendship over treasure. He faces challenges and finds allies along the way.
    by SSundee
    Eye Icon 268
    Star Icon 27

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