My Published Books (1)

  • After his owner's tragic death, and when the cats are kicked out by his wife, Stone, an average kittypet, is forced into challenges, forced into the forest, and finds a group of cats that call themselves a clan - he doesn't know what to do, or what to make about the odd dreams he's been having lately, but all he knows is that he has to figure it out soon, especially when someone claims to be his long-lost mother.
    by TalesOfValenthia
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My Public / Unpublished Books (4)

  • Silver Swithin has a complicated past, so she escapes to a bar, where she works there and lives there, but before Silver knows it, the life she had worked so hard to build is crashing down, and Silver has to fight to survive because it's going to take her down with it if she doesn't.
    Sorry, I suck at descriptions.
    by TalesOfValenthia
    Eye Icon 39
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  • Zayari, the normal girl, gets lost on a crazy planet, called Surlax, where she has to survive with her friends, all while trying to figure out who she is, and how to escape the planet.
    by TalesOfValenthia
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  • Deathjumper has always been obedient, but ever since his father tried to kill him, he doesn't know what to do anymore besides the heroic thing:
    Save his brother from the fate that used to be his.
    Sorry, I suck at descriptions.
    by TalesOfValenthia
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  • It,s about Sianna, Ethan and Evan get shrunk, and need help to go back to normal size. Enemies, new friends and What more? you'll find out. This is my first ever book. Made a LONG LONG TIME AGO
    by TalesOfValenthia
    Eye Icon 51
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My Collection - "Shadows of Valenthia Series" Follow Collection

  • Shadows of Valenthia Series - The Story of Deathjumper Faust: Book 2
  • Shadows of Valenthia Series - The Story of Silver Swithin: Book 1

My Collection - "Valenthia's Past " Follow Collection


My Collection - "Journey Through the Beyond Series" Follow Collection


My Collection - "Books I Like" Follow Collection

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