My Published Books (4)

  • The latest installment of the Adventures of Cendy Lim Presents is Cendy & Lim in the Sadness Stairwell. This story brings to life the triggers and symptoms of the deep sadness of depression and highlights some of the more common, yet overlooked expressions of depression in children. Readers can learn to both identify depression and also the positive coping skills to overcome it.
    by Renee Hopkins
    Eye Icon 16
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  • The Adventures of Cendy and Lim Present continue in this special edition where Cendy and Lim Meet The Scary School Officer and Lim is questioned by a school security officer. The story highlights the dangerous reality of those who have a different race, ethnicity, and religious beliefs than those of the founders of America and its critical need for multi-cultural education and acceptanc
    by Renee Hopkins
    Eye Icon 9
  • Meet the twins Transcending and Limits and go with them on their first adventure learning how to use good coping skills to overcome the panic attack in the maze of anxiety.
    by Renee Hopkins
    Eye Icon 48
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  • Cendy introduces Goals Town, a place where people build their goal houses. She describes the town's features and the challenges they face from the Quarantine Gang. The townspeople develop coping skills to overcome them.
    by Renee Hopkins
    Eye Icon 4332
    Star Icon 124

My Public / Unpublished Books (1)

  • The Adventures of Cendy and Lim continue in this special edition where Cendy and Lim Meet The Scary School Officer and Lim is questioned by a school security officer. The story highlights the dangerous reality of those who have a different race, ethnicity, and religious beliefs than those of the founders of America and its critical need for multi-cultural education and acceptance.
    by Renee Hopkins
    Eye Icon 300
    Star Icon 14

My Collection - "The Adventures of Cendy and Lim" Follow Collection


My Collection - "Books I Like" Follow Collection

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