My Public / Unpublished Books (13)

  • A project involving schools from different countries to explore cultural heritage, museums, and European languages.
    by Яна Вікторівна Цикункова
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    by Яна Вікторівна Цикункова
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  • All Partners involved in eTwinning project: "Acts of Kindness/Peacejam wrote this book that inspire kids like our students around the world and spread kindness and good morals.
    by Яна Вікторівна Цикункова
    Eye Icon 188
  • by Яна Вікторівна Цикункова
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  • eTwinning Project. COVID#19 STAY HOME Helping Parents and Teachers not be Stressed
    by Яна Вікторівна Цикункова
    Eye Icon 16
  • A stray puppy is adopted by a school and becomes the students' responsibility. They find a solution for the summer holidays.
    by Яна Вікторівна Цикункова
    Eye Icon 357
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  • A collection of short informational texts about various topics related to the coronavirus, including prevention, symptoms, and treatment.
    by Яна Вікторівна Цикункова
    Eye Icon 475
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  • A mixed international team of students from different countries research and learn about obesity, emphasizing the importance of eating healthy food.
    by Яна Вікторівна Цикункова
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  • eTwinning Project.European Bedtime Stories! EDL 2019
    by Яна Вікторівна Цикункова
    Eye Icon 23
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  • A collection of short paragraphs written by different children about their dogs, expressing their love and admiration for them.
    by Яна Вікторівна Цикункова
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  • Group etwinning project activity
    by Яна Вікторівна Цикункова
    Eye Icon 172
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  • by Яна Вікторівна Цикункова
    Eye Icon 96
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  • A group of students learn and discuss various topics, including teambuilding, curriculum changes, and magic performance.
    by Яна Вікторівна Цикункова
    Eye Icon 259
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