My Public / Unpublished Books (16)

  • Zack and Sydney have an adventure after Zack takes a lavender bath. They get lost at sea but find their way back home with the help of a compass.
    by Zachary Darner
    Eye Icon 8
  • London doesn't know what to do with the symbol that is floating beside him! Read this book to find out!
    by Zachary Darner
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  • A group of friends prepare for a Pokemon gym championship and face off against each other in battles.
    by Zachary Darner
    Eye Icon 272
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  • A prince embarks on adventures with a parrot, but is left heartbroken when the parrot leaves.
    by Zachary Darner
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  • A diary-style story of a child's daily experiences, including insults and a concussion.
    by Zachary Darner
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  • The animals in the jungle argue over who is the finest, leading to a vote where Fred Frog is declared the winner.
    by Zachary Darner
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  • A short, repetitive story about a robot's actions and interactions.
    by Zachary Darner
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  • Three friends embark on an adventure to find the Calos arena and compete in Pokemon battles. Along the way, they face challenges and grow as trainers.
    by Zachary Darner
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  • Sharks in the Pacific Ocean build a kingdom, have a feast, and encounter a friendly humpback whale named Twister.
    by Zachary Darner
  • jjiyebggrmkbfwdvjhik7? That is a Disaster.
    by Zachary Darner
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  • A stray dog embarks on an adventure, finding a family and a home in Tampa, Florida.
    by Zachary Darner
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  • A young boy named Jason Miner finds himself in a dangerous Minecraft world, encountering zombie pigmen, ghasts, and villagers.
    by Zachary Darner
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  • From A to Z.
    by Zachary Darner
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  • Three cats decide to be cool, but encounter a lady with a broom. They escape and plan to be cool tomorrow.
    by Zachary Darner
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  • A baby named Elijah is born with wings and later marries a girl named Sally who also has wings.
    by Zachary Darner
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  • Zack gets locked in his school locker and mysteriously travels back in time. He teaches his past self a lesson.
    by Zachary Darner
    Eye Icon 10
    Star Icon 1

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